Mosquito Control in Chattanooga, TN -How to Protect You and Your Family from Mosquitoes and Zika Virus!

Mosquito Control in Chattanooga, TN – How to Protect You and Your Family from Mosquitoes and Zika Virus!


Here at Volunteer Rid-A-Pest, we get lots and lots of mosquito calls in the spring and summer.

Each year when the spring time warm up occurs, millions of mosquitoes, that have gone dormant for winter, now come back to life. They begin their life cycle anew. They lay millions of eggs in stagnant water. These breeding sites may be as large as a lake or as small as a cupped leaf, or maybe in a clogged gutter system just a few feet above your heads.

Many people believe that mosquitoes feed on blood, however they do not. Mosquitoes actually feed on nectar. The females do however, need a blood meal before they can lay eggs.

So, it is the females that bite you!  

Mosquitoes are attracted to mammals (humans and animals) by the carbon dioxide they emit when breathing. Mosquitoes can travel quite a distance to feed, however they are not long distance flyers, they typically stop numerous times along the journey to rest.

Mosquitoes avoid sunlight by resting in tall grass or on the inner branches of dense shrubbery during the day. They typically stay close to the area where they hatched, but will move if an adequate food source is not present.

Mosquitoes are considered to be the most dangerous creature on the planet!

More people die each year from disease contracted from mosquito bites than attacks from any other creature on the planet. Mosquitoes carry Zika, West Nile, Encephalitis, Malaria and Dengue fever. It is impossible to prevent these mosquitoes from carrying a disease, but by reducing the number of mosquitoes in your environment, we can reduce your family’s probability of being bitten by an infected mosquito.

5 Things You Can Do To Protect Your family From Mosquitoes and Zika!

  1. Look for and eliminate mosquito breeding sites in your yard. (Corrugated drain lines from down spouts that have standing water, bird feeders, low lying areas that retain water, clogged gutters, etc.)
  2. Keep dense shrubbery trimmed to allow sunlight in.
  3. Keep your lawn mown weekly at no more than 3 inches.
  4. Turn down irrigation systems to prevent over watering.
  5. Apply insect repellant to loved ones before going outside.

The only way to guarantee that you and your family are protected, is to have your lawn treated during the mosquito season. Our Mosquito-Guard program uses the most advanced technology to eliminate all of the mosquitoes living and breeding in your lawn. We apply an adulticide to eliminate the adult mosquito population and we use pelletized larvicide to eliminate the larvae BEFORE they can develop into adults.

The best part is, it is safe for kids, pets and plants! You can have peace-of-mind knowing there are no mosquitoes living in your yard and if they fly over from the neighbors, when they stop to rest, our treatment will stop them in their tracks!

If you think you have a problem with mosquitoes…or any other pest…or simply a question…call Volunteer Rid-A-Pest at 423-698-7205 and ask for me, Erik Gardner. I’ll be happy to speak with you anytime.

Here’s to helping YOU live PEST FREE!


Call us TODAY for a FREE Consultation and FREE 58 Point Pest Analysis of your home, lawn or office!

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