
Stinging insects in Chattanooga, TN

Seeing large wasps around your home or business? While wasps can often be a cause for concern for homeowners and businesses alike, the truth is that not all wasp species are threatening pests. Some species are simply pretending to be threatening, when in fact they are entirely harmless. One of the best examples of this […]

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How to Get Rid of Mice in Chattanooga Tennessee

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Chattanooga Termite and Pest Control – Scorpions in Chattanooga!

If you find a scorpion in your home, that single encounter is often enough to fuel a variety of arachnophobic nightmares about eight-legged creepy-crawlies hidden around your home. Scorpions are classified by most pest experts as an Occasional Invader. This means that they typically do not enter homes with the purpose of establishing an infestation. Instead, […]

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Carpenter ants in Chattanooga, TN – What you must know!

Termites are not the only pest that can damage your home. The fact is, a variety of different wood destroying pests are active here in Tennessee, and each represents its own unique threat to your home. Among this group of unwanted houseguests is a particular pest that rivals even the termite in destructive ability: the […]

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Mosquito Control in Chattanooga – How to eliminate mosquitoes for good.

Whats the most deadly creature on earth? Its not the lion, the tiger or the Great White Shark. It’s the Mosquito! As possibly the most destructive and damaging pest in the world, the mosquito is quite infamous. This is especially true in regions within which they spread deadly diseases. Mosquitoes spread diseases to hundreds of […]

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Wood Decay Fungus in Chattanooga – How to prevent wood decay fungus

Wood Decay Fungus: Does your home have a damp and/or musty crawl space? If it is damp and musty, you may have a “silent destroyer” called, wood decay fungus feeding on your floor joists, beams and sub-floor. This fungus works silently and most homeowners never know it is there, until the damage is done. This […]

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Termite Control in Chattanooga – How To Keep Your Home Termite-FREE!

Termite season is just around the corner, and with the unusually warm weather Tennessee has been experiencing lately, it may come sooner than expected! With the coming of spring, many subterranean termite colonies will move back towards the surface and begin feeding, reproducing, and expanding their nests. Due to their rapid growth, it often becomes […]

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Termite Control in Chattanooga – How to protect your home from termites!

Termites are one the most destructive pests in the world. These troublesome pests are infamous for their ability to rapidly infest and cause damage to homes and other structures. While most homeowners are probably aware of the many reasons they do not want to deal with a termite infestation, there are many misconceptions about what […]

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Pest Control in Chattanooga, TN – How to Keep Your Home Spider Free

When it comes to creepy, crawly pests, perhaps none elicit more fear than spiders. Whether or not you have a phobia, the fact is no one wants to find a spider in their home. While the majority of spider species can do little more than frighten us, some species can be a danger a humans […]

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Pest Control in Chattanooga – How to Protect Your Home From Carpenter Bees

We have discussed in previous articles how in many cases pest infestations are linked directly to a set of existing conducive conditions. These types of conditions can be a variety of factors such as temperature, moisture level, availability of food, and others. You are probably already aware of these factors. However, did you know that […]

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