Termite Control in Chattanooga – How to protect your home from termites!

Termites are one the most destructive pests in the world. These troublesome pests are infamous for their ability to rapidly infest and cause damage to homes and other structures.

While most homeowners are probably aware of the many reasons they do not want to deal with a termite infestation, there are many misconceptions about what steps need to be taken to reduce the chances of this occurring. These misconceptions are further complicated by the efforts of some companies to sell what they claim to be “one step solutions” to termites.

The truth is, termite treatment is a complex, multistep process, and there is NO one size fits all approach to termites!

 Every home is different, and there is a large variety of termite species active across the US. As such, the only way to protect YOUR home from termites is to have a treatment plan that can comprehensively protect it. Unlike the treatment for most pests, the goal of termite treatment is to create a treatment barrier that traps termites attempting to pass through.

This goal can be achieved in a variety of ways. Liquid treatment barriers, bait systems, an borate treatments can all be extremely effective depending on the situation, but while each has it’s advantages, they each also are less useful in certain environments.

As an example, liquid treatment is a very powerful tool for homes where the exterior of the structure can be easily accessed. They can be difficult to use for homes with limited exterior access and subterranean basements, however, as this makes it impossible to establish a complete treatment barrier.

The fact is, to get the most effective termite treatment, homeowners should call in a licensed pest control technician to inspect their property. When a technician inspects your home they are able to gather the information they need to identify potential risk areas and formulate a targeted treatment plan for your home.

This “custom treatment” plan is much more likely to keep your home pest free because it will often combine treatment options with the removal of conducive conditions to make an more effective overall solution.

But this leads to another question: When should homeowners schedule a termite inspection?

 In my experience, most homeowners will call a pest control company after they have begun to spot significant numbers of pests in their home. While this approach is fine for nuisance pests such as spiders or mice, it can lead to major problems in the case of termites. This is because termites are a reclusive species, and they are often only active in parts of the home that are away from human eyes.

Termites feed on cellulosic, or wood based, materials, and as such they will often attack the structure of the home itself by feeding on framing, wallpaper, windowsills, eaves, and other areas. If the termite species in question is subterranean, they may even attack the home from below and eat through the underside of flooring or inside walls.

For this reason, a destructive termite infestation could be active for months in your home before you are able to notice the damage that they are causing. This can result in a frustrating ordeal and expensive damage repair.

For this reason, I recommend that homeowners have a termite inspection at least once a year, and with swarming season just around the corner there is no better time!

 The most effective termite treatment is a preventative one. Much like visiting the doctor for a check up, homeowners should schedule an inspection to identify any potential weaknesses in their treatment and to allow for preventative treatment if necessary! In the long run, this will keep you pest free and save you a lot of expense and frustration!

At Volunteer Rid-A-Pest, we have decades of experience in the termite and pest control industry. We provide our customers with industry leading treatment techniques that are designed to safely target and eradicate pest populations in and around your home!

So make pest problems a thing of the past, call us TODAY at 423-698-7205 OR 423-472-7736 to schedule treatment or inspections!

P.S. Keep in mind…The best time to treat for termites is…Before you have them!

By: Erik

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